I’ll shut the blinds
let Ciaos choke
under miles of steel.
The train won’t let me
memorize its trails
nor commit to memory
the secret pleasure
of sobbing wheels
when they hit the rails.

I shan’t return
to my town
to this place
that forever smells
of rivers killed.

I will madly hug
my one-way ticket
and never look back…
not even to check
if her eyes filled…
if her eyes spilled…
if her eyes stilled.

“I am a poet from India and an author of three poetry collections in English. I find inspiration in nature, I find poetry hidden in every form of life, in every diurnal activity we are part of. All around us , numerous apparently disjoint stories are brewing. As a poet, I try to find that subtle undercurrent which connects all these tales, and bring it out through my words.” – Ananya.
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