A Distinguished Selection of the Finest Modern Literature

Category Poems

Read our selection of the best poems by contemporary poets of all ages and nationalities.

It’s a Facebook Kind of Day by Mary

Coffee’s brewin’! Breakfast’s ready
Logging in to FB news
Screen’s a glowing- click the icon
Hoping I won’t get the blues

FB login pw stronger
Are there messages for me?
Memories from 2 years ago
Show me how it used to be

Scroll down, scroll down, puppy pictures!
Cute and funny photo fare
Type Amen cuz I love Jesus
Share this post to prove I care

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For my Whale Sisters and Brothers by Kat McDonald

This planet is small,
too small.
sometimes, it seems, there is
nowhere to hide when
what’s inside presides,
when the storm
shreds the sails
leaving no safe harbour.
there will be
no trees to breathe
no rivers to cry –
and the oceans will be salt
flat graveyards
for my whale brothers
and sisters to die (in).

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God, I Couldn’t Blame You by Spencer Ratcliff

Dear God, I know I’ve never been to church and never read your book
I know I never stop to pray;
never know just what to say
and really don’t deserve a second look

I frankly couldn’t blame you if you turned your ears away
But while you know of all my doubt,
I ask you please to hear me out;
give me the time of day

You see, there’s been an accident, as if you didn’t know
My little girl is almost dead;
she’s in a coma and they’ve said
they’ll tie a tag around her toe

They brought her in by chopper just after half past nine
They chalked her out upon the tar,
gave her lots of CPR
to try and keep her hanging on the line

The vicar’s been; he held my hand and quietly had a word
He told me that I must be strong,
to talk to you, admit I’m wrong
and hope my voice is heard

He placed a cross upon her brow and whispered in her ear
He spoke in Latin, shut his eyes,
talked of how a body dies,
uttered words I didn’t want to hear

She’s lying there with tubes plugged into heart and chest and head
Golden hair surrounds her face,
her favourite doll stands by in case
she stays alive instead

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Insatiable Appetite by Astharte de los Santos

When my search began, I was quite timid.
Unsure of what I wanted, unsure of these feelings.
The appetite began to grow like a raging force
that blinded me with lust
until I could no more.

Until it led me into exploration,
all I wanted was to feel that sensation.
That titillating penetration
that can only come from that one creation.

Statuesque, build with muscles or slender physique
white, milk or dark chocolate, yes they’re all me.
This insatiable appetite can only be fed
by giving in to what my body says.

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Moral Views by Thomas Fitzgerald

Looking to a ceiling I wonder to my world,
Is it wrong to open my legs for him,
Take him into me and open to moral fear,
I close my eyes in haste for the answer,
Talk not of I lay with another man,
Consequence is ordered, for ecstasy and men.

Why do you have these second doubts?
Where do fears spring from?
Are they from the teachings of society?
Or is something genuine, trying to speak?
Has it always been like this in life?
Think back all to your youth, in class,
Perhaps the answers lay’s in the past.

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Sent Packing by Fran Marie

discarded and thrown aside
like left behind luggage
battered and worn

packed fully with
bulging broken dreams
and tears tearing at the seams

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“Find Me” Sad Regretful Poem by Dixie

I am a feather lost at sea,
I am but a drop of dew,
I am the lock, I am the key,
Find me, I’m a déjà vu.

‘Cause you’re castle made of ash
And I’m the flame who burned your throne.
You and I were meant to crash,
Find me, ember, smoke and bone.

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Life is Cruel Sometimes by Andrew Bedell

I’ve waited on platforms
For trains that never arrived
Drank shots in cellar bars
On Tuesday nights
With in-betweeners
Who still believe in lady luck

I’ve walked along promenades
Been battered by the wind and the rain
Taken shelter in late night cafés
Drank coffee so strong
It made me shudder

I’ve read the beat poets so many times
But I never tire of the words
Of Ginsberg and Kerouak

I’ve watched black and white movies
Made long before I was a twinkle
In somebody’s eye

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Days Gone By by Tate Morgan

Gentle the breeze that floats the air
across the years it moves my soul
Words so sweet, so gentle, and clear
melodies of love took their toll

A face from my past gazed at me
I had met these eyes once before
I recognized this sweet beauty
from far off to the distant door

Dropping by when I am weakest
lighting mysteries upon my breast

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Mr. Buckles by Jennifer Criss

The bunny slumped way over on the shelf
Abandoned and a bit sorry for himself
He had been her favorite for years and years
Dragged through the dirt and carried by the ears

One eye, a black button had come undone
His matted faux fur bleached from the sun
On school yard, playgrounds, and grandma’s front stair
With Ann, Mr. Buckles went everywhere

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