A Distinguished Selection of the Finest Modern Literature

Category Poems

Read our selection of the best poems by contemporary poets of all ages and nationalities.

Tantric Warrior Stance by Empirik

Something pulling worldwide attraction to one beauty
Man and Woman made together partaking in a heavenly parade
luminously walking along one’s own brigade, fully powered
Clearly connecting kinetically communicating through the cosmos

A fabric to weave in and out of the one mused most
Enveloped in a theory of strings and mindful news posts
Set up a series of lyrical hosts discovering the deepest cognitive coasts

Visually experiencing the tides of thought in the eyes mind and believing in
Sending messages of safe passage over seas
Weathering storms, disease and all liquid creatures swimming about
Destructive demonstrated dance dialect positioning translation

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Deutsch Blut (German Blood) Poem by Laura Saint Martin

My Northern skin cannot wear
this tropical complicity. Give me
a hundred names for snow,
Give me all the guilt
I never owned.

My sweat smells like Dachau,
even under Caribbean blooms, even
after I have thumbed it red. I wear
other cultures because mine is

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Home by Grace Lee

His lips reminded me of a match,
the way they ignited something in me
when they collided with mine.
The way his fingertips reminded me
of a cold winter breeze

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Empty Vessel by Valormore De Plume

The days are long, hot, and maddening,
the nights cloudy, starless, and sultry.
Sleep withheld behind a heavy dark veil.
Spirit weary in its empty aloneness.

Fleeting visions from happier times,
refuse to project, on the silver screen within.
Joy from dust-covered chapters, dissolves in decay,
upon the sagging shelves of remembrance.

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The Ambivalent Mother by Teeya

And they became
who they were;
manifestations of the Creator,
tiny vessels of His presence
cultivated inside me,
within me,
conceived in my womb;

the fruits of me
nourished by
the fruit of me
before life
beyond my being
would become
their own

And they were
who they had become;
myself…my selves
fractions of me,
addends of we,
divided into wholes

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The Eye Sees it All by Druppels

The eye sees it all
You need a wake-up call
We should not sacrifice our privacy
in exchange for imaginary safety

It is just an excuse
to control, to abuse
Cameras in every street
check where and when we meet

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Mermaid Waiting – Poem by Erotica Goddess

A powerful passionate poem.

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Mutual Surrender – An Erotic Poem

I lust after the geometry of your being,
poised on top of me to explore,
like a birthday present waiting to be

u n w r a p p e d…

I pull you closer to me,
closer than the spaces of our kisses,
defying distance dividing the contours of our flesh

until we become
consumed with the fire void of chaste intentions,
slaves to the urgency of the moment

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The Overweight Me by Joshua McNay

When I look in the mirror, I hate what I see.
I’ve gotten so used to seeing the overweight me.
I start a new diet and it ends up on a shelf,
Like I’m trying to prevent seeing my skinnier self.

I need to get it under control, or I could die
So why is it I lack the motivation to even try?
I see all the problems, and what I’m doing wrong
So why is it I can’t change the song?

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Small Talk – A Spicy Erotic Poem

Small talk

Just friendly verse

The innocents of it all.

Underneath those

Casual words

Was a volcano of passion

Ready to erupt.

Triggered by

The brush of our arms…

Next thing you knew

Our lips were locked

In a fiery kiss.

It lasted

Twenty minutes

Every second

Pure heaven.

With an animalistic thrust

I pinned you

To the wall

My hand reached

Up your skirt

Letting your panties

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