A Distinguished Selection of the Finest Modern Literature

Category Poems

Read our selection of the best poems by contemporary poets of all ages and nationalities.

The Construct by Ruth Elwood

We’re led to believe it’s a big deal
Told what to think about the topic
Instructed on how to feel
Roses champagne candlelight
Music, suite in hotel room
Topped off with your recent groom

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Chemical Crutch by Joania Hernandez

He found his happiness
in an orange-tinted bottle with a child proof lid
popping his meds and his precious endorphins
holding them closer than family
but nobody thought he was addicted
until the day he ran out

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A Lonely Sigh by Tina Cox

A lonely sigh up to the moon
A broken heart an empty room
A heaving breast that goes untouched
A velvet thigh no lovers blush
No lips to part
No gentle kiss

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No Longer by Theo

He could no longer remember us.
The disease locking away his memories.
He no longer remembers the stories he once told me.
The stories that made me smile.
The stories we all remember, all of us but him.

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And We Kissed by Chellie

We sat in your car
Small talk had vanished
Into a desire filled silence
In which we didn’t know how to fill the void

I stared into your eyes
My heart pounding in my chest
Beating for your touch
Wanting to kiss your lips

You stared back at me
Breath heavy in your lungs
As your eyes close
And you moved your head to mine

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The One that Got Away by Dixie

Falling for her was like summer rain,
First drizzle, then hurricane;
With thunders, with lightning, heavy and fast,
Meant to dishevel, but never to last.

Being with her was an autumn fire,
Vibrant and quiet, a bright red desire.
For she was fresh coffee brewed in the morning,
And you were vodka down her throat burning.

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The Last Candle by Camille Sharon

There’s Nobody there
Nobody at all.
I shout, I cry, I scream
no one answers my call.

They say there’s light out there
light which I cannot see
but all I have inside
is a Dark Eternity.

The room keeps getting smaller
the walls are closing in
there’s no door to get out
no way to let hope in.

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You Are With Me by David B. Pincus

Alone I walk the sheltered paths far from home and you are with me.
While leaves scatter the sun’s rays into thousands of pinpoints of light
Alone I trod this quiet sanctuary of blissful solitude and you are with me
Hearing the calling birds, watching the fluttering leaves I hear and see you.
Alone I behold the beauty that surrounds me as I stare in wonder at it all.
Though you are far away in all that I see, hear and feel, you are with me.

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Love Is by Teeya

Love is
sight where obscurity lays
parallel to luminous visually blinding curiosity
perceiving light’s blinking eye to warm a shaken path
of dark and damp coldness until tipping toes can
walk firmly on unyielding solid ground…

Love is
monochromatic rainbows in shades of you;
pale tones of expectations with no expectations
interrupted by kaleidoscopic flushings
at that chanced, precise moment
when shades of you casts hues of you
as the sun reflects its orange moon… Read More

Yours is the Haunt by Ranscan

Yours is the haunt
the silky palace of nights revenge
the desert dreaming of a storm
the voice whispering across the back of a neck,

Longing quantified and articulated
yours is the touch
that lights the forever fires
seethes the trembling earth,

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