A Distinguished Selection of the Finest Modern Literature

Category Poems

Read our selection of the best poems by contemporary poets of all ages and nationalities.

Looking For My Lover by Tina Cox

Looking for my lover,
to live my whole life through
Someone to hold and kiss me,
through the dark nights too.

Someone who won’t abandon me
or leave me on my own,
and when I look into his eyes

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DARK DAYS PAST by Nirranjani Sakthi

Stuck with a heart to define destiny,
Lived a life not even worth a penny!
Consumed by ripples of despair, you stop and stare,
Think you are moving but don’t know where.

No diverging paths in the woods to see,
You guess that’s how fates gonna be.
Hunger buried deep within your soul
Wants to pursue the mission of its goal.

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Fear it by MacabreeLewis

“Where would you go when you die?”

“Where would you sleep when you fall away?”

These answers haunt me;

As I’ve seen you die today.

Awaken in total darkness;

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As Dawn Breaks by Esteban Luis Soto

As dawn breaks, in unison with this heart
Little sounds of you dribble down the gallery
Like pebbles in the stream behind – into my room

As an artist to canvas, in my thoughts, I paint –
Your breast heaving in long, abysmal sighs of content
In cavernous snores of ignorance and bliss

And I – but a wayward ghost in our home
Haunting the very same cracks and crevices

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Will an eagle come to visit? by Dorina Li

reaching for the stars
lily of the death valley
heads to light through the wire-


elevators are needless now

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If I Could Achieve The Impossible by Tom Higgins

If I could stop time’s relentless flow
Or reverse a waterfall,
If I could make light be slow
Or cause the wind to stall,

If I could cure all illnesses
and make the injured whole,
or remove hatred from men’s hearts
and let the soulless find a soul.

If I could make men see sense
And refuse to go to war,

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My Angel/ My Devil – Erotic Poem by Rei

A daringly explicit, erotic poem by Rei.

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Falling Down a Tunnel by Camille Sharon

Falling Down a Tunnel

I’m falling down a tunnel
it’s slippery like a slide
it’s way too dark in here
there’s no light from outside.

There’s no way to get out
there’s no way to get back
the walls are wet and cold
I’m frightened of the black.

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Primal Poetry – Erotic Poem by Samantha Campbell

Speaking gifted expressions
in a lost language
spilling sex
and desire
You inspire me
to write for you

I rise to the divine condition
and elicit carnal positions

No longer thinking

Animal instincts take over

I never stop scratching
I leave as many marks
as climaxed urges

I’m a savage

I ravage



you make me
wanna eat you

A primal need

the tongue
tip plays Read More

Latin Legs by Erotica Goddess

Latin Legs

She shimmies past on heels that won’t end,
latin legs luring me closer and closer.

The music drifts throughout the club,
the sultry beat matching my heart’s tempo…
She slinks onto the floor, hands on her hips,
pouty lips beckoning to me from afar.

Wild beats and wicked movement,
begging and pleading without a word,
as I sit there, gaze riveted on you,
I cannot break the link between us,
and I don’t even want to.

Latin legs luring me to the end of the line,
as I stand and move closer,

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