A Distinguished Selection of the Finest Modern Literature

Category Poems

Read our selection of the best poems by contemporary poets of all ages and nationalities.

Sinful Erotica (Adult Content) by Anna Rose

Sinful Erotica by Anna Rose

Wet with anticipation,
As my mind loses control
And every nerve starts to shake
With excitement.

Your breasts against my own,
Taking the lead,
The conductor of my soul’s band
As my heart races, beating faster.

Dominate me,
Make me fall into your deep desire.
A passionate embrace of tenderness

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Second Chance – a Poem by Fran

raw, open, bleeding
you’ve left my heart needing
a second chance
a second chance
days gone by
there is no going back
no changing tracks
no disappearing acts
but still the whisper
a second chance
a second chance
I would’ve changed

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You – A Poem By Steven Coty

You are beautiful
and I am a coward.
I keep running,
thinking I can escape it.
No distance
takes me
any further from
I can’t hold onto
this image
I have of you. I
you to
leave my thoughts

You are wonderful
and I am a freak,
undeserving of your

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My final breath, a sigh – Poem by Gee

My final breath, a sigh by Gee

I had neither time nor patience,
and this, I so relayed,
annoyance being the tone I used,
but still the stranger stayed.

I bid him sit, if stay he must,
offering him a chair,
this he declined, without a word,
but with a steely glare.

That chilled my bones to marrows core,
withering my very soul,

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2 Hands by Christopher Michael Smith

Sitting here doused in sweat,
tasting the salt as my lips become wet,
amidst the heat waves in our winter skies,
confused beings unseasonably counting the flies.
hungry for a meaning,
thirsty for a greeting,
chaos in all we know,
up as well as below.
another drop drips from the flesh,
another lust filled tear shamefully undressed,
spirit empathy to a soulful depress,
these clock-less moments ticking to regret.
2 hands in a circle & around they go,
2 hands stuck in a repetitious flow.

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The Hope that Lies Beyond by Richard Puetter

The Hope that Lies Beyond

Oh, how life’s cares bound up my heart!

I faced each day with dread

My life was so devoid of joy

Held woe I could not shed

And desparate to end this curse–

To find from pain release–

I lifted goblet to my lips

Drank full, then slipped to peace

And as I slept upon my bed

A dream appeared to me

It seemed that I in water swam

Then sank into the sea

And down and down my body sank

Pulled down into the deep

I felt my lungs about to burst–

Prepared for final sleep

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Silken Pellets by Spayne

Silken pellets slide down my gorge,
One by one,
They dissolve in my innards,
Spreading their warmth in me,
Like soft kisses on my heart,
Spreading fast, pleasuring me,
Hazing me quick, pulling me into this drowsy state,
This that I cherish,
Pulling me slow into the unconsiousness of pills,
Small circles of love,
Pull into a pigment of tones,
Red, orange, pink,
A haze of beauty, of that I adore.

Awaken in blurred fog,
My vision obscurred,
My ears muffled,
Walking colours fast,
In front lay a pair of eyes,
Staring at me,

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Within by Tami Violet

He forgot the strength held in the soft bosom of superstition,
and Saturdays that became cloudy without promise of
awakening to scrambled eggs

and kisses…

He became movement in the trees, his entire body
trembling as if she walked over his grave

again and again…

She was different, and everyone knew magic
was her air…

waiting with swollen lips and traces of love
that could have been…

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I Take You In by Frieda P

Follow me
              into this haven
       of serenity
feel my soul
           upon your lips
touch the breath
        of my fervor
escape with me
            to  surrender
       intoxicate my euphoria
             to release

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A Sound I Could Drink by Neva Flores Smith

My heart pretended
you were a sound
I could drink
when I went searching
for golden lines full of surprise.
When I walked towards you,
my ears tasted the beat of the earth
and it began to turn
in reverse.

Ringing clear were hundreds of memories
I had kissed freely,
known as all the things you did.
Then in came the rushing sea
crashing into my mind
with waves of everything
you have ever said.

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