A Distinguished Selection of the Finest Modern Literature

Tag deep meaning poems

War’s a Waste by Glen R Baker

Why can’t we see that all war’s a waste
That a combat zone is a bastard of a place
And it really doesn’t matter which side you’re on
Because whatever your belief, war is just wrong

Why is it so hard to live with each other
We are all one, you’re my sister, my brother
When did we become so expendable and cheap
Why is life too hard to cherish and keep

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For my Whale Sisters and Brothers by Kat McDonald

This planet is small,
too small.
sometimes, it seems, there is
nowhere to hide when
what’s inside presides,
when the storm
shreds the sails
leaving no safe harbour.
there will be
no trees to breathe
no rivers to cry –
and the oceans will be salt
flat graveyards
for my whale brothers
and sisters to die (in).

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Jealous by Adam McNally

I’m jealous of the Sun
whose rays caress your face.
I’m jealous of the stars
whose company keeps you safe.

I’m jealous of the rain
teardrops falling down
symbolizing my pain
wishing you were around.

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